25. june 2013

Latvia is the second greenest country in the world

The survey prepared by Yale University and Columbia University places Latvia the second greenest country in the world after Switzerland, ahead of such countries as Norway, France, the UK and Sweden.

As Sanita Ribena, Executive Director of "homo ecos": said to the LETA Agency, the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) covers 132 countries. In 2008, Latvia was rated 8th, and in 2010 it was 21st.

In addition to the EPI, the universities’ researchers made the Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index to demonstrate the countries’ efforts to solve environmental issues within the period from 2000 to 2010. Latvia is rated first in this index.

According to Angel Hsu, Director of the EPI project, over the last years, Latvia has made great efforts to implement various environmental initiatives, particularly, refusing to use coal for energy generation and intensive forestation.

Source: delfi.lv

A residence permit in Latvia
